The feminine renaissance is here.

An 8-week MythoSomatic Immersion in Feminine Leadership and Radical Romance

I profoundly respect the role you're playing in the development of the wildly integrated woman at an archetypal and embodied level. It feels like I'm watching fifth wave feminism emerge through your work: earth-centric, messy and wild while being precise and powerful, soft and tender yet ferocious, valuing the feminine essence for its own sake, being simultaneously receptive and agentic, calling your sisters to rise out of their own victimhood with compassion and care, and utterly mystical while remaining grounded in the immanence of beauty.
- BL
l'm truly so grateful to be in this group. I've watched last week's session twice, and I'm just genuinely in awe of you, your power, and your agency. What you're teaching is revolutionary, and I'm so honored to be a part of it.
- CG
The entire time I was listening I was like this needs to be shouted from the rooftops, the entire world needs to HEAR what you are saying. The way you see life and how we fit into it, your radical romantic philosophy, and the way that you so beautifully and clearly explain that framework and what is in your heart - it is electrifying, it is soul-moving, and it is so so so important. The messages you have for the world... I truly feel like there is nothing more important than the work you do - remembering, reconnecting, learning to feel and love again and amplify our humanity... You have helped me feel not alone during my awakening and inspire me so much Sophie and I thank you from the deepest place in my soul for sharing your truth and simply being you.
- HP

1:1 Somatics & Love Coaching

Your Eros is a
necessary disruption.
Ritually tending to a deeply pleasurable and sovereign relationship with your sensuality and sexuality is unequivocally foundational — to your most embodied joy, peace and power, to your integrated spiritual depth, and ultimately to your ability to serve, lead and uplift the collective in your own radiant, authentic way.
If hear the call to tend to these deeper layers of personal, sensual, erotic healing and growth…
I made these resources for you:
Sexual Sovereignty
An introductory and in-depth online course for somatic healing, personal empowerment, orgasmic nourishment & more.
5 self-paced modules + live monthly calls.

8-week program begins April 17